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Company name: Abbey Road Automotive Services Ltd
Products & Services made or distributed: Mazda repair center, cars, light trucks, alternators, brakes, Carburetor Overhauls, clutches, Computer diagnostics, motor repair, motor repair, motor replacment, filter changes, radiator flushes
Company Website:
Address: 16714 -113 Avenue
City: Edmonton
State/Province: Alberta
Postal Code:T5M 2X3
Country: Canada
Telephone: 780.496.9392
Fax: 780.496.3523
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Abbey Road Automotive Services Ltd is a full service and maintenance provider for their customer in metro edmonton.
Extended description: Abbey Road Automotive Services Ltd specializes in providing full service and maintenance provider for their customer in metro edmonton. They provide their services for alternators, axle seal joints, brakes, brake fluid flushes, carburetor overhauls, charging systems, clutches, computer diagnostics, electrical wiring, electronic ignition, engine timing chains, fan belts, fuel injection cleaning, head lamp aligning, heater cores and motor repair, etc.
Trade references:
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