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Company name: Karishma Enterprises and Braille World
Products & Services made or distributed: acoustic cabinets for braille printers, aria braille operated portable talking computer, adaptive technology devices, aids and appliances, braille paper, braille alarm clock, braille printer, braille embosser, braille graph software, braille translation software, braille world atlas, braille tactile graphic printers, braille writer, braille computer, braille writing instruments, braille production unit, braille books, braille book making equipment, braille labels, braille calculator, braille blazer embosser, braille tactile maps, charts, braille production accessories, blista braille, Compass, computer related software, computer training centre, computer based reading systems, communication solutions for the blind, communications aids for deaf and deaf blind, connect aloud software for internet, cobolt systems, digital talking compass, duxbury braille translation software, devices for blind, devices for deaf blind, devices for integrated education, duxbury systems, equipment for braille libraries, equipments for braille presses, equipment for low vision centers, flexi / capsule paper for tactile images, galileo text reading machine, heavy duty braille presses, heavy duty braille stapler, printer, index braille printers, index basic d braille printer, index basic s braille printer, index everest braille printer, integrated education for blind, jaws screen reading software, k1000 ocr software, leo braille display scientific calculator, magic magnification software, mathtalk scientific notebook, math braille translation software, magnum 860 i braille printer, mega dots braille translation software, talking measuring tape, mobility devices, mountbatten brailler, monty software, optical braille recognition software, optical character recognition software, ocr software, parrot talking diary, parrot diary, products for blind and low visoin, portable reading machines for the blind, portable braille printers, puma 6 braille printer, piaf tactile image enhancer, print magnifiers for low vision, picture braille software, quantum technologies, reading aids and devices for blind and low vision, reading software, rota braille printer, scanners for the blind, software for learning disabilities and dyslexia, screen reading software, software for blind and low vision, swell paper for tactile images, tactile graphic printer, talking computers, talking calculators, talking clocks, talking diary, thiel printers, talking microwave, talking personal scale, talking kitchen scale, text reading machine, tescos cd tutorials for internet, tactile audio graphic design software, talking electronic brailler, talking measuring instruments, talking globe, technology for the blind and visually impaired, tutorials for computers for the blind, tiger advantage braille printer, visual aids and appliances, view plus technologies, wynn ld software, winbraille translation software, zychem systems, arkenstone, blazie engineering, openbook, premier-programming, refreshable braille displays
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Country: India
Telephone: 91.2222.1818
Fax: 91.-2222.153
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Brief description: Karishma Enterprises and Braille World specializes in providing global emerging technologies for the blind, low vision and visually impaired.
Extended description: Karishma Enterprises and Braille World provides global emerging technologies for the blind, low vision and visually impaired. They promote and assist the blind student community in achieving a better quality of education with the help of devices like text reading systems, braille printers or embossers, braille translation software, braille graphics, jaws screen reading software, tiger tactile and braille graphics embosser, braille blazer, etc.
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