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Company name: McDougall Insurance
Products & Services made or distributed: athlete accident insurance, business insurance, contractors insurance, critical illness insurance, debt consolidation, disability insurance, education savings plans, family insurance, family life insurance, good investments, group health insurance, group insurance, guaranteed issue life insurance, health insurance quote, hockey accident insurance, hockey team health insurance, ingle insurance, insurance, kinnell insurance, life insurance, long term care insurance, McDougall Insurance, mortgage insurance, online health insurance, online life insurance, open ing bank account, rbc insurance, segregated funds, seniors life insurance, sport accident insurance, sports team out of country medical insurance, student accident insurance, student health insurance, students traveling to united states health insurance, term insurance, term insurance quote, travel insurance quote, truckers accident insurance, truckers insurance, visitor health insurance
Company Website:
Address: 727 Lansdowne Street W
Suite G2
State/Province: Ontario
Postal Code:K9J1Z2
Country: Canada
Telephone: 705.742.6659
Fax: 705.742.5747
Sales contacts:
Brief description: McDougall Insurance provides life insurance and investment solutions.
Extended description: McDougall Insurance specializes in providing life insurance and investment solutions. The company offers heath and dental insurance quote, life insurances, travel insurances, professional athletes travel insurance, sports team travel insurance, critical illness insurance, etc.
Trade references:
Special information:
This company profile was initially compiled from the information contained on the home page of the company's website. If you are an authorized person from this company with an email address associated with the company, you may update this listing by following the link Update This Listing.
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