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Company name: SeeMyDesign
Products & Services made or distributed: appraisal, architectural accents, architecture, carpet, choosing paint color, color palette, decorating tips, decorative painting, design elements, design styles, design theory, design tools, faux, faux painting, flooring, furnishings, furniture, home buyer, home decorating, home interior, interactive tools, interior decorating, interior design, interior design associations, lighting, line, living room, natural fiber, painting, pattern, photographic previews, room planner, room preview, styles, texture, tile, visualization, wall paper, wallpaper, window construction, window treatments
Company Website:
Address: 1019 E. Elgin Avenue
City: Salt Lake
State/Province: Utah
Postal Code:84106
Country: United States
Telephone: 801.484.3319
Sales contacts:
Brief description: SeeMyDesign specializes in providing interior design and home decorating services for customers.
Extended description: SeeMyDesign provides interior design and home decorating services for customers. They also provide design styles, home decorating examples, interior design resources, principles, room elements, design elements, etc.
Trade references:
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