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Company name: Stillen
Products & Services made or distributed: Automotive Accessories, BMW, Brake Systems, Brakes, handling, Horse Power Increase, Lift Kits, Lincoln Conversions, Lowering Kits, Sport Trucks, Sports Cars, Steve Millen, Suburban Conversions, Super Trucks, Superchargers, Suspension Systems, SUV Conversions, Turbo Chargers, Yukon Conversions
Company Website:
Address: 3176 Airway Avenue
City: Costa Mesa
State/Province: California
Postal Code:92626
Country: United States
Telephone: 714.540.5566
Fax: 714.540.5784
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Stillen designs, manufactures, and distributes variety of auto parts and accessories for the automotive industry for more than 20 years.
Extended description: Stillen specializes in designing, manufacturing, and distributing variety of auto parts and accessories for the automotive industry. They also provide online purchasing facilities. Their products include hood damper, 4 into 1 headers, caster and camber adjusters, ultra-low coil overs, racing titanium exhaust system, titan main grille assembly, pro-spacers, etc.
Trade references:
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