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Company name: The Woolery
Products & Services made or distributed: carded wool, catalog, craft books, cranbrook, drop spindles, drum carders, felting books, fibers, fleece, floor loom, glimakra, knitting, knitting accessories, knitting books, knitting supplies, knitting videos, knitting yarns, looms, shuttles, spinning, spinning books, spinning equipment, spinning supplies, spinning videos, spinning wheels, table loom, tapestry loom, umbrella swift, warping board, warping reel, weaving, weaving books, weaving equipment, weaving shuttles, weaving supplies, weaving videos, weaving yarns, wool combs, wool dyes, wool yarns, yarn
Company Website:
Address: P.O.Box 468
City: Murfreesboro
State/Province: North Carolina
Postal Code:27855
Country: United States
Telephone: 252.398.4581
Fax: 252.398.5974
Sales contacts:
Brief description: The Woolery sells spinning and weaving supplies since 1981.
Extended description: The Woolery specializes in selling spinning and weaving supplies. Few of their products are spinning wheels, spindles, carders and combs, looms, weaving yarns, felting, books, etc.
Trade references:
Special information:
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