Sourcetool Global Business to Business Directory
SourceTool Profile Matches for the product or service: computer accessory
Computer Core Co supplies computers and computer accessories.
Computer Core Co
San Francisco United States
Computer Core Co specializes in supplying computers and computer accessories. Their products include motherboards, processors, memory, cameras, HDD storage, multimedia, videocards, monitors, networking, handhelds, etc.
Genovation Inc manufactures and supplies variety of data input devices since 1989.
Genovation Inc
United States
Genovation Inc specializes in manufacturing and distributing various data input devices for industrial control, machine control, medical instrumentation, military, aerospace, banking, accounting, stock brokerages, trucking, entertainment industry, etc. Their products include numeric keypads, programmable keypads, 20 key mini data terminals, 12 key membrane mini data terminals, key cap puller, car charger, etc.