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Company name: Spore Productions
Products & Services made or distributed: advergames, custom, advertising, software, games
Company Website:
Address: 64 Lardner st
State/Province: Ontario
Postal Code:N3C 4L2
Country: Canada
Telephone: 519.651.2827
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Spore Productions specializes in designing and developing game and flash animation service.
Extended description: Spore Productions designs and builds interactive entertainment, for games, flash animation to full out 3d games, websites to backend database solutions. They provide games and services to netscape, AOL, compuserve, claire boutiques, kisko, fido, lumeo software, etc. They provide graphics and multimedia development for a variety of interactive mediums, such as web adver games, flash media, multimedia, CDROM games, websites, 2d and 3d graphics, etc.
Trade references:
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