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Company name: A and M Victorian Decorations
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: 2411 Chico Ave., So
City: El Monte
State/Province: California
Postal Code:91733
Country: United States
Telephone: 626.575.0693
Fax: 626.575.1781
Sales contacts:
Brief description: A and M Victorian Decorations have been manufacturing architectural cast stone, sandstone and plaster products since 1979.
Extended description: A and M Victorian Decorations manufactures architectural cast stone, sandstone and plaster products for various projects. In addition it also manufactures moldings, columns, balustrades, wall caps, copings, stair treads, fountains, planters, gazebos, fireplace mantels, wood fireplace mantels, signage, and cast stone mantels with overmantels. A and M Victorian Decorations includes casting of a single corbel to large commercial projects.
Trade references:
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