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Company name: Abbott Diagnostics
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: Vanwall Business Park
Vanwall Road
City: Maidenhead
State/Province: Berkshire
Postal Code:SL64XF
Country: United Kingdom
Telephone: 44.0.1628.78
Fax: 44.0.1628.64
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Abbott Diagnostics manufactures and distributes wide range of medical diagnostic instruments for medical purposes.
Extended description: Abbott Diagnostics is a division of Abbott Laboratories, which specializes in producing medical diagnostic instruments for hospitals, reference labs, blood banks, physician offices, clinics and home used to diagnose a range of serious health issues such as infectious diseases, cancer, diabetes and genetic conditions, and monitor other important indicators of health.
Trade references:
Special information:
This company profile was initially compiled from the information contained on the home page of the company's website. If you are an authorized person from this company with an email address associated with the company, you may update this listing by following the link Update This Listing.
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