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Company name: A and B Ingredients
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: 21 Spielman Road
City: Fairfield
State/Province: New Jersey
Postal Code:7004
Country: United States
Telephone: 973.227.1390
Fax: 973.227.0172
Sales contacts:
Brief description: A and B Ingredients was established in 1990, manufactures, markets, imports and distributes food ingredients to the food and fine chemical industries.
Extended description: A and B Ingredients manufactures food ingredients, such as rice starch, rice flour, rice protein, tomato concentrate, rice milk powder, rice based ice cream, rice based heavy cream, antioxidants, antimicrobial, and flavors. A and B has a full applications lab, pilot plant facilities and consumer testing capabilities on premises.
Trade references:
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