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Company name: Accesorios Y Resortes S L
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: Calle Albacete, 3
Postal Code:03440IBI
Country: Spain
Telephone: 34.96 555 21
Fax: 34.96 555 48
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Accesorios Y Resortes S L is a designer and manufacturer of hardware fitting products for more than forty years.
Extended description: Accesorios Y Resortes S L specializes in designing and manufacturing hardware fitting products. Their products include handle on plate, handle with locking bold, unlocking button, pull handles, wardrobe knob, window handle, etc. The company is a member of AIJU, AIMME, arvefer, ARVET, COFEARFE, D And B, FEMPA, FEHEVAL, and IBIAE associations. Their products are quality certified to ISO standards.
Trade references:
Special information:
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