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Company name: Ace Hardware Corporation
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: 2200 Kensington Court
City: Oak Brook
State/Province: Illinois
Postal Code:60523
Country: United States
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Ace Hardware Corporation is a distributor of various hardware, hand and power tools, electrical, plumbing, lawn and garden, cleaning and paint products.
Extended description: Ace Hardware Corporation specializes in distributing wide range of hardware, hand and power tools, electrical, plumbing, lawn and garden, cleaning and paint products. Their products include bird feeder pole kit, nectar feeder ant guard, beverage coolers and jugs, coolers and ice chests, Rubbermaid cup dispenser, brushes, pads and rollers, caulk and sealants, compressors, drop cloths and rags, faux finishing, ladders lead test kits, masking tape and paper, paint sprayers, clamps and vises knives, blades and sharpeners, tool bags, belts and pouches.
Trade references:
Special information:
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