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Company name: AC PSR Industries Inc
Products & Services made or distributed: garment machinery
Company Website:
Address: 1321 E. Drinker Street
City: Dunmore
State/Province: Pennsylvania
Postal Code:18512
Country: United States
Telephone: 570.344.4000
Fax: 570.343.0618
Sales contacts:
Brief description: AC PSR Industries Inc provides affordable machinery and solutions for sewn products industry.
Extended description: AC PSR Industries Inc specializes in providing affordable machinery and solutions for sewn products industry. Their products include thread trimmers, impact cutters, air scissors, magnetic hook, robotic stackers, chalk markers, steam guns, needle boards, press pads, mending patches, etc. The company comprises of a group of manufacturing companies which includes ACI, PSR, S and G, SMI, sal bee machine ltd, atlas, and artwood puller international.
Trade references:
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