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Company name: Acrow Misr
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: Wady Houf
City: Cairo
Postal Code:
Country: Egypt
Telephone: 202.369.0616
Fax: 202.369.5260
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Acrow Misr manufactures and distributes wide range of metallic scaffolding and shuttering and concrete formwork systems since 1979.
Extended description: Acrow Misr specializes in manufacturing and distributing various metallic scaffolding and shuttering and concrete formwork systems for all types of slabs, columns, and walls in the construction industry. Few of their products are shaft formwork systems, column formwork system, circular column formwork systems, racking systems, etc. The company is quality certified to ISO 9001.
Trade references:
Special information:
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