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Company name: Admor Solutions
Products & Services made or distributed: Best Software, Sage Software, Software, Business Management
Company Website:
Address: 290 Vanderbilt Avenue
State/Province: Massachusetts
Postal Code:2062
Country: United States
Telephone: 800.370.1313
Fax: 781.688.2260
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Admor Solutions specializes in providing business application software.
Extended description: Admor Solutions specializes in providing business application software. They provide turnkey solutions from small to mid sized corporate customers. This includes integrated solutions that automate operation from the sales through the back office accounting and every step of business process in between. Their services include need analysis, implementation, integration, customization, training. Their software include sage software MAS 90 and MAS 200 business applications, microsoft retail management system, microsoft customer relationship management.
Trade references:
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