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Company name: A E Adams Limited
Products & Services made or distributed: toll packing
Company Website:
Address: Unit 4
Mackley Industrial Estate
Small Dole
State/Province: Sussex
Postal Code:
Country: United Kingdom
Telephone: 44.0.1273.49
Fax: 44.0.1273.49
Sales contacts:
Brief description: A E Adams Limited provides contract packing service manufacturing both branded and own label products for over 40 years.
Extended description: A E Adams Limited specializes in providing contract packing service manufacturing both branded and own label products for the household, automotive and personal care products sector. Their products include liquids which include suspension, acidic or alkaline solutions, creams, emulsions, sachets or pouches which includes liquids, impregnated pads, wet wipes, powders includes wettable powders, carpet fresheners, garden care includes consumer garden care products, etc. The company is qualtiy certified to ISO 9001. 2000.
Trade references:
Special information:
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