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Company name: Alumin Nu Corp
Products & Services made or distributed: aluminum, galvanized cleaners, pond treatment
Company Website:
P.O.Box 24359
State/Province: Ohio
Postal Code:44124
Country: United States
Telephone: 216.421.2116
Fax: 216.791.8018
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Alumin Nu Corp provides the safest and powerful enzyme and bacterial cleaners to clean aluminum, vinyl, galvanized exterior surfaces.
Extended description: Alumin Nu Corp specializes in providing the safest and most powerful enzyme and bacterial cleaners to clean aluminum, vinyl, galvanized exterior surfaces. Their products include non toxic, non polluting, non pathogenic, power septic tank cesspool liquid treatment cleaner, nice n easy pond and lake restoration, nice n easy cleaning products, etc. , they provide mobile home aluminum, vinyl, doors, screens, awning cleaners, gutters.
Trade references:
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