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Company name: A.P.van den Berg Inc
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: P.O.Box 68
Postal Code:8440
Country: Netherlands
Telephone: 31.0.513.631
Fax: 31.0.513.631
Sales contacts:
Brief description: A.P.van den Berg Inc is a manufacturer and distributor of penetration testing equipments since 1955.
Extended description: A.P.van den Berg Inc specializes in manufacturing and distributing penetration testing equipments, which is used for geotechnical soil investigation. Their products include Roson 25 kN seabed penetrometer, touch screen data acquisition system, Rotap 65, etc. They also specialized in design and installation of geothermal systems for extraction and storage of heat and cold in the ground.
Trade references:
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