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Company name: Conscious Investing
Products & Services made or distributed: Warren Buffet, investment software
Company Website:
Address: 508 Nth 2nd St.
Suite 207
City: Fairfield
State/Province: Iowa
Postal Code:52556
Country: United States
Telephone: 641.209.3660
Fax: 641.469.6436
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Conscious Investing develops conscious investor software system that provides rational approach to stock market investments.
Extended description: Conscious Investing specializes in developing conscious investor software system providing rational approach to stock market investments. Conscious Investor is a sophisticated, user friendly, analysis tool that is designed to allow investors to follow a systematic, business like approach to buying and selling stocks. The software provides comprehensive filters which scan the entire market for stocks that meet the investment criteria based upon the ideas of Warren Buffett.
Trade references:
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