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Company name: MicroMo Electronics Inc
Products & Services made or distributed: miniature drive system, miniature stepper motor, miniature stepper motors, small motors, small precision motor, microdrive systems, two phase stepper motors, 8mm motors, 10mm motors, 15mm motors, single phase stepper motors
Company Website:
Address: 14881 Evergreen Avenue
State/Province: Florida
Postal Code:33762
Country: United States
Telephone: 727.572.0131
Fax: 727.572.7763
Sales contacts:
Brief description:
Extended description: MicroMo Electronics Inc designs, manufactures, and supplies electrical components. Few of their products are coreless DC motors, brushless motors, stepper motors, gearmotors, gearheads, encoders, drive electronics, micromechanical systems, and linear actuators. The company is quality certified to ISO 9001:2000.
Trade references:
Special information:
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