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Company name: Ensel Technologies C.V
Products & Services made or distributed: electronics
Company Website:
Address: Jesus Garza No. 3606
Fracc.Francisco I
City: Monterrey
Postal Code:
Country: Mexico
Telephone: 52.818.35594
Fax: 52.818.35599
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Ensel Technologies C.V designs and manufactures membrane switch keypads, electroluminescent lamps and graphic overlays on plastics film since 1997.
Extended description: Ensel Technologies C.V specializes in developing membrane switch keypads, electroluminescent lamps and graphic overlays on plastics film. Their product includes touch panels, nameplates, gaskets, optic films, etc. The company is quality certified to ISO 9001:2000 standard.
Trade references:
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