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Company name: Finetech Mold and Manufactory Ltd
Products & Services made or distributed: die cast molds, plastic
Company Website:
Address: Unit 13 12/F
Shing Yip Industrial Buliding
19-21 Shing Yip Street
Postal Code:
Country: Hong Kong
Telephone: 852.2604.769
Fax: 852.2604.178
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Finetech Mold and Manufactory Ltd specializes in the manufacture of die cast molds for industrial purpose since 1999.
Extended description: Finetech Mold and Manufactory Ltd is a manufacturer of die cast molds for industrial purpose. They offer products like plastic injection molds, alloy metal die casting molds, consumer products, toys, electrical appliances, lighting accessories, optical instruments, office and industrial products.
Trade references:
Special information:
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