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Company name: Fingerprint America Inc
Products & Services made or distributed: abduction prevention, afilliate program, associate program, best id program, bike safety, car seat safety, Child fingerprint kit, Child fingerprinting, child identification kit, child safety, children identification tag, childs identification card, childs registration and identification, dental records, Home based business opportunity, home business, ID products, kid identification program, kid safe news, safety seat, stranger awareness
Company Website:
Address: 5 South Allen Street
City: Albany
State/Province: New York
Postal Code:12208
Country: United States
Telephone: 518.435.1609
Fax: 518.435.1507
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Fingerprint America Inc designs and produces wide range of custom imprinted child identification fingerprinting kits since 1996.
Extended description: Fingerprint America Inc specializes in manufacturing variety of custom imprinted child identification fingerprinting kits. Few of their products are child identification fingerprinting kits, choiceprint fingerprinting kits, genetikid DNA collection kits, ID complete kits, customized whale car seat identification kits, customized child helmet identification kits, etc.
Trade references:
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