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Company name: Fresadora SantAna Sociedade Comercial LTDA
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: Street Moxei 236/246 - lapa
Postal Code:05068 010
Country: Brazil
Telephone: 55.11.3611.6
Fax: 55.11.3611.6
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Fresadora SantAna Sociedade Comercial LTDA produces bi helical gears, straight gears, and helical spring gears since 1976.
Extended description: Fresadora SantAna Sociedade Comercial LTDA specializes in manufacturing bi helical gears, straight gears, and helical spring gears with unique profiles, crowns, screws, perpetual screws, striated axles, joining pieces, turning gears, etc. The company is quality certified to ISO 9001 standard.
Trade references:
Special information:
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