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Company name: Groomers Friend Pty. Ltd.
Products & Services made or distributed: dog dryers, dog tubs, dog bows, pet essence shampoo, groom-ezy products, hydraulic tables, dog grooming jackets, dog muzzles, cat muzzles, pet support system, Australian dog grooming products, Australian dog grooming schools, Australian dog grooming courses, pet grooming workshops, pet grooming schools, pet grooming courses, pet grooming grooming products, pet grooming products
Company Website:
Postal Code:
Country: Australia
Telephone: 61.1300.8847
Fax: 61.0244.5718
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Groomers Friend Pty. Ltd. manufacturer of pet grooming products.
Extended description: Groomers Friend Pty. Ltd. products and services include mobile salons, hydraulic tables, pet support posts, pet tubs w/ramps, force dryers, pet essence-shampoo/cologne, clipper vac systems, stylist jackets, workstations, snap-on combs, pre-tied bows, scissors, muzzles, etc.
Trade references:
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