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Company name: Gunatit Builders
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: SF-12, Rutu Kalash Complex
Tulsidham Cross Roads
City: Vadodara
State/Province: Gujarat
Postal Code:390 011
Country: India
Telephone: 91.2652.6344
Fax: 91.2652.6344
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Gunatit Builders supplies hot dip galvanizing plant for more than 40 years
Extended description: Gunatit Builders specializes in supplying hot dip galvanizing plant for more than 40 years. The company products include unglazed acids, clay bricks, refractory materials castables, insulating bricks, air setting mortars, thermal blankets, electrical insulators etc. Their services include designing of plant layout, furnace design, refractory materials for furnace, acid resistant bricks etc.
Trade references:
Special information:
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