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Company name: Hastand
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: 714, Dalamal Tower
211, Nariman Point
City: Mumbai
Postal Code:400021
Country: India
Telephone: 91.2282.45e+
Fax: 91.2222.0409
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Hastand is engaged in exports of a wide range of pharmaceutical raw materials and chemicals to pharmaceutical, food and chemical industries.
Extended description: Hastand is an exporting company established in 1982. Hastand exports pharmaceutical raw materials and chemicals to pharmaceutical, food and chemical industries of various countries in Europe, Africa, South East Asia and the Middle East. In addition Hastand also exports pharmaceutical machinery, PET blow machines and water treatments plants to Africa. Few of their products are food additives, industrial chemicals, disinfectant chemicals, paint raw materials and dyes, ampicillin trihydrate, cetrimide, enrofloxacin, water treatment plants, blister pack machines and shrink tunnels, etc.
Trade references:
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