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Company name: Karlheinz Hinze Optoengineering GmbH and Co
Products & Services made or distributed: Aviascopes
Company Website:
Address: Kieler Street 464-470
Postal Code:22525
Country: Germany
Telephone: 49.0.4054.25
Fax: 49.0.4054.35
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Karlheinz Hinze Optoengineering GmbH and Co is a distributor of variety of visual and digital imaging products for industrial and medical applications for more than 40 years.
Extended description: Karlheinz Hinze Optoengineering GmbH and Co specializes in distributing variety of visual and digital imaging products for industrial and medical applications. Their products include flexible endoscopes, micro endoscope, flexible MIS instruments, CCD cameras, CCD microcameras, monitors, UV lightsources, digital cameras, printers, lenses, tube and channel inspection, etc.
Trade references:
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