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Company name: Inovart
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: P.O.Box 20875
State/Province: Florida- FL
Postal Code:34276-3875
Country: United States
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Inovart manufactures and distributes wide range of mat and framing, printmaking, lettering and calligraphy, scratchboards and tools, light boxes, drawing and craft products for more than 20 years.
Extended description: Inovart specializes in manufacturing and distributing various mat and framing, printmaking, lettering and calligraphy, scratchboards and tools, light boxes, drawing and craft products. Their products include mounting boards, poster board, calligraphy paper, blank puzzles, calligraphy practice paper, stencil paper, block printing paper, foam printing plates, pink beveled erasers, kneaded rubber erasers, graphite drawing pencils, etc.
Trade references:
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