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Company name: Kahlenberg Brothers Company
Products & Services made or distributed: airhorns, airhorn, air horn, Air horns, buell air horn, air horn loud, air whistles, air electric horn, brass bell, boat horn, loud whistles, fog timer,
Company Website:
Address: 1700 12th Street
P.O.Box 358
City: Wisconsin
Postal Code:54241
Country: United States
Telephone: 920.793.4507
Fax: 920.793.1346
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Kahlenberg Brothers Company Founded in 1895 specializes in manufacturing marine sound signaling equipment.
Extended description: Kahlenberg Brothers Company also manufactures marine horns, air horns, electric horns, air whistles, steam whistles, industrial horns, truck horns, train horns, and air horns for arenas and stadiums. The company has been certified to ISO 9001:2000.
Trade references:
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