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Company name: Kurttekin Ltd
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: Cumhuriyet Cad. 12/2 Kucukyali
City: Istanbul
Postal Code:34840
Country: Germany
Telephone: 49.0.2163886
Fax: 49.0.2163886
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Kurttekin Ltd is a manufacturer of products includes constant and variable load type spring hangers, clamps, turn buckles, rods, eye nuts, etc.
Extended description: Kurttekin Ltd specializes in manufacturing products include constant and variable load type spring hangers, clamps, turn buckles, rods, eye nuts, etc. Their products include cryogenic tanks, piping accessories, soot blowers, flame arrestors, breather vents, casus, in transit recorders, rupture disc, patlama diski, explosion panel, patlama paneli, storage tank accessories, machining parts, etc.
Trade references:
Special information:
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