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Company name: L A M Enterprises, Inc.
Products & Services made or distributed: Business Forms, payable checks, computer forms, color printing bar coded labels, business cards, cardbooks, card books, cardholders, card holders, card sleeves, card sleeves, debit card holders, credit card holders, debitcards, credit cards, ATM cards, calendars, CD holders, cd passport, Binders, coinenvelopes, adver-tising specialty products, badge holders, covers, credit card envelopes, coupon books, course catalogs, bags, awareness bracelets
Company Website:
Postal Code:
Telephone: 631.254.6600
Sales contacts:
Brief description: L A M Enterprises, Inc. markets printed and promotional products to a variety of organizations.
Extended description: L A M Enterprises, Inc. offers products such as accounts payable checks, adhesives products, badge holders, card sleeves, coupon books, deposit slips, directories, door hangers, envelops, folios, forms, gift bags, glass covers, keycard holders, registrar, notepads, tags, tax forms, wallets, etc for financial institutions, colleges and universities.
Trade references:
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This company profile was initially compiled from the information contained on the home page of the company's website. If you are an authorized person from this company with an email address associated with the company, you may update this listing by following the link Update This Listing.
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