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Company name: Latexite International Inc
Products & Services made or distributed: basketball court, cushioned court, cushioned tennis court, ecreational surface sport, hockey surface roller, portable tennis court, recreational coating, tennis court, volleyball court
Company Website:
Address: 4051 North Point Road
City: Baltimore
State/Province: Maryland
Postal Code:21222
Country: United States
Telephone: 410.477.5432
Fax: 410.477.4339
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Latexite International Inc specializes in the manufacture of recreational coatings for commercial purpose.
Extended description: Latexite International Inc is a manufacturer of recreational coatings for commercial purpose. They offer products like latexite acrylic color system, latexite super fortified acrylic color system, latexite U 2000, latexite paint, latexite acrylic cushion systems, etc.
Trade references:
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