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Company name: Lenape Industries Inc
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: 120 Old Camplain Rd.
City: Hillsborough
State/Province: New Jersey
Postal Code:8844
Country: United States
Telephone: 908.526.6800
Fax: 908.526.7430
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Lenape Industries Inc is a manufacturer representative and distributor of additive products for plastics, paint and coatings, graphic arts, adhesives, rubber, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and personal care industries.
Extended description: Lenape Industries Inc specializes in distributing additive products for plastics, paint and coatings, graphic arts, adhesives, rubber, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and personal care industries. The company is a member of national association of chemical distributors and supporter of the responsible distribution process. Their products include antioxidants, hydrotalcites, light stabilizers, optical brighteners, organophosphites, photo initiators, PVC heat stabilizers, thioesters, acrylic monomers, acrylics, easter lubricants, etc.
Trade references:
Special information:
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