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Company name: Lloyd Instruments Ltd
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: 12 Barnes Wallis Road
Segensworth East
Postal Code:PO155TT
Country: United Kingdom
Telephone: 44.0.1489.48
Fax: 44.0.1489.88
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Lloyd Instruments Ltd manufactures materials testing machines, software, polymer test instruments and texture analyzers for their customers.
Extended description: Lloyd Instruments Ltd specializes in manufacturing materials testing machines, software, polymer test instruments and texture analyzers. Their products include thermal cabinets grips, fixtures, shields, melt flow indexers, friction testers, inclined planes, etc. They offer services like customer support, technical support, software training, sales service, etc. Company is quality certified to ISO 9001, COFRAC, and UKAS standards.
Trade references:
Special information:
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