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Company name: Luxcom Technologies Inc
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: 102 Walgreen Road
State/Province: Ontario
Postal Code:K0A1L0
Country: Canada
Telephone: 613.831.7777
Fax: 613.831.7778
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Luxcom Technologies Inc manufactures fiber optic modems, Ethernet, and wireless modems since 1989.
Extended description: Luxcom Technologies Inc specializes in designing and manufacturing various fiber optic modems, Ethernet, and wireless modems for telecommunication applications. Their products include serial data modems fiber optics, multiplexers fiber optics, telephony modems fiber optics, fiber optic media converters, video fiber optics, serial data to Ethernet converters, mounting plate, GPRS antenna, etc.
Trade references:
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