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Company name: Meiki America Corporation
Products & Services made or distributed: CD, CDR, CDROM, plastic
Company Website:
Address: 1460 Howard Street
State/Province: Illinois- IL
Postal Code:60007
Country: United States
Telephone: 847.439.4450
Fax: 847.439.4486
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Meiki America Corporation manufactures thermoplastic, thermoset, and rubber injection molding machines ranging from 25 to 4500 metric tons clamping force.
Extended description: Meiki America Corporation specializes in producing thermoplastic, thermoset, and rubber injection molding machines ranging from 25 to 4500 metric tons clamping force. They also manufacture vacuum lamination presses for printed circuit boards, disc molding machines for CD, CD-ROM, and DVD, and vertical multistage-multicolor injection molding machines.
Trade references:
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