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Company name: Pro-Mark Drumsticks
Products & Services made or distributed: Drumsticks
Company Website:
Address: 11550 Old Main Street Loop Road
State/Province: Texas
Postal Code:77025
Country: United States
Telephone: 713.314.1100
Fax: 713.669.8000
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Pro-Mark Drumsticks specializes in the design and manufacture of drum sticks and mallets for musicians and professional music players since 1957.
Extended description: Pro-Mark Drumsticks designs and manufactures drum sticks and mallets for musicians and professional players. They offer products like American hickory drumstick, wood tip, nylon tip, pro-round wood tip, natural wood tip, natural nylon tip, pro-grip, autograph models, Japanese oak drumstick, maple drumstick, and cafe series.
Trade references:
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