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Company name: Roleplaying Games Network
Products & Services made or distributed: game network
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Brief description: Roleplaying Games Network is an online portal for the purpose of playing RPGs since 1998.
Extended description: Roleplaying Games Network is a website which offers online playing games. The members can play online using free message boards. The site consists of games like saving bordertown 3e, syrenes hope 3. 5e, the demons of illusion 3. 5e, the ellenorians 3e, the fall of vortigurn 3. 5e, the gateway of druige 3. 5e, the greyhawk chronicles 3e, the old keep 3. 5e, the threat below 3. 5e, trinity 3010 2e, within the lab of dr. crition 3. 5e, etc.
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