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Company name: Spectracom Corporation
Products & Services made or distributed: clock, frequency control, GPS NTP, NTP Time Server, servers, spectracom, Time Protocol, Time Server, time synchronization
Company Website:
Address: 95 Methodist Hill Drive
City: Rochester
State/Province: New York
Postal Code:14623
Country: United States
Telephone: 585.321.5800
Fax: 585.321.5219
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Spectracom Corporation is a designer and manufacturer of global positioning system, synchronized network time servers, and precise transmitter frequency control devices since 1972.
Extended description: Spectracom Corporation specializes in designing and manufacturing global positioning system, synchronized network time servers, and precise transmitter frequency control devices. Their products include network time servers, master clocks, wireless clock system, primary frequency references, bus-level timing boards, retimers and filters, synchronization supply unit, time displays, antennas and accessories, frequency and clock converters, etc.
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