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Company name: Pepid LLC
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: 1840 Oak Avenue
Suite 100
State/Province: Illinois
Postal Code:
Country: United States
Telephone: 888.321.7828
Fax: 866.681.8207
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Pepid LLC is a developer of medical and drug information and decision-support tools for the healthcare industry since 1994.
Extended description: Pepid LLC specializes in developing medical and drug information and decision-support tools for the healthcare industry. Their products include Emergency Physician, Primary Care Plus, Clinical Rotation Companion, Pre-Hospital Emergency Care, RN Clinical Nursing, RN Critical Care, Portable Drug Companion, Drug Interactions Generator, Medical Calculators, Laboratory Manual, etc.
Trade references:
Special information:
This company profile was initially compiled from the information contained on the home page of the company's website. If you are an authorized person from this company with an email address associated with the company, you may update this listing by following the link Update This Listing.
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