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Company name: Hagitec Co Ltd
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: 246-7 Dainichi
Postal Code:284-0001
Country: Japan
Telephone: 81.4342.3874
Fax: 81.4342.3868
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Hagitec Co Ltd manufactures stainless flexible protection tube and connectors for optic fiber and other related materials and accessories.
Extended description: Hagitec Co Ltd specializes in producing stainless flexible protection tube and connectors for optic fiber and other related materials and accessories. The company product includes metallic delivery hose, protect tube, fiber optics protect tube, square locked conduit, braided stainless hose, hagitubing, hagitube, interlock conduit, metal hose, shower hose cover, stainless steel hose, steel conduit fitting, titanium tubing, wirering conduit, flexible metal hose, steel tubing, stainless steel tubing, and fiber optics cable.
Trade references:
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