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Company name: Accepta
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: Duckworth House
Old Trafford
Postal Code:M320FP
Country: United Kingdom
Telephone: 44.0.1618.77
Fax: 44.0.8701.35
Sales contacts:
Brief description: Accepta specializes in distributing various water treatment chemicals, water testing kits and equipment; reagents, pumps, meters and control equipments.
Extended description: Accepta supplies wide range of water treatment chemicals, water testing kits and equipment; reagents, pumps, meters and control equipments for industrial, commercial and process applications. Few of their products are scale and corrosion inhibitors, antifoams and defoamers, dosing pumps and controllers, chlorine dioxide generators, pool disinfectants, spa water balance chemicals, peracetic acid, etc.
Trade references:
Special information:
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