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Company name: AMS
Products & Services made or distributed:
Company Website:
Address: 10700 Bren Road West
City: Minnetonka
State/Province: Minnesota
Postal Code:55343
Country: United States
Telephone: 952.930.6000
Fax: 952.930.6373
Sales contacts:
Brief description: AMS specializes in manufacturing medical devices for the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic disorders.
Extended description: AMS manufactures medical devices for the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic disorders for men and women. They specialize in urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, excessive menstrual bleeding, fecal incontinence, vaginal prolapse, uterine health, etc. Few of their products include acticon neosphincter, urolume urethral stent, etc.
Trade references:
Special information:
This company profile was initially compiled from the information contained on the home page of the company's website. If you are an authorized person from this company with an email address associated with the company, you may update this listing by following the link Update This Listing.
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